Monday, August 31, 2009

Betrayal or Fidelity

When does betrayal actually become fidelity? Is it possible that to be 'faithful', one must betray his own Christianity? This is the question posed by Peter Rollin's in his book The Fidelity of Betrayal (Paraclete Press 2008).  Amazon

Think about this: Is it an act of fidelity or betrayal to reject Christianity in it's present 'religious' entrenchment? When faith has become synonymous with religious rites and creeds, belonging to an institution (whether young or old), or objectively 'believing' a set of doctrines- rather than living a transformed life of love- doesn't fidelity to Jesus require betrayal of even what might be precious to us?

The 'Kingdom of God' (the Reign of God) confronts every power structure and authority, turning them completely on their heads. This is true even of our own personal kingdoms, the 'kingdom each of us carries around in our breast' (Jean Calvin). Humility demands that we question even the unquestionable- our most precious traditions and preferences. Anything less is idolatry. 

Good Reads

The Awakened Heart, Gerald May    Amazon

Hidden Wholeness, Parker Palmer    Amazon

Unfettered Hope, Marva Dawn        Amazon

How (Not) to Speak About God, Peter Rollins   Amazon

"And the Free Market Shall Set You Free"

Why do so many American Christians stand firmly on extreme free market, capitalistic ideals, and, do so with near religious fevor? Where, I wonder, is our spiritual discernment concerning the collective human heart? Where is our ready recogition that God sees injustices woven into the fabric of all collective human dealings?

I've noticed that it is many times the same person who rejects the Darwinian principal of 'the survival of the fittest' (with respect to Creation), who indirectly embraces and promotes this very principal by saying it is required that all markets 'remain unrestrained' in order to create a safer & more just society.

Many show equal passion for political ideals as they do for the rules of love & charity. Remember, we, too, share the temptation of others around us- to protect our own positions and privileges rather than standing with the poor and disenfranchised. We subtly allow nationalistic and personal sentiments to ride piggyback on Kingdom aims.

"Doesn't it water down our prophetic and priestly voice when with the same voice we promote political systems as if these can solve society's myriad of problems?" Concerning Jesus lovers and politics: I do not advocate political passivity, just humility & healthy perspective.

Broken Glass

It's embarrassing when you blow it & everyone else knows it. There's the many stares & those thoughts written on peoples' faces: "I'm sure glad that wasn't me!"

I recently dropped an empty glass off a table in a crowded local restaurant. Time stood still as all heads turned in my direction & then to neighbors followed by whispers. Oh, that moment of painful silence! A rescue crew finally came- not one, but four employees arrived with cheerful smiles, brooms, & dustpans. Of course, all the commotion only seemed to add to the drama for onlooking spectators.

Still, I later thought about the four who happily competed to clean up my mess. I recalled the gracious way they spoke to me, their eagerness to serve me, the things they said: "Don't worry, Sir, this happens all the time. It's really no big deal! Is there anything we can get for you?"

God's people might take a cue from these restaurant workers. What if we actually did something helpful for those who really blow it & know it? What if, rather than simply joining the staring crowd in a chorus of public pity & whispers, rather than adding to their sense of shame, we graciously came to their side eager to love & serve? "Love covers [& helps clean up] a multitude of sins."

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Speaking on the subject of the 1991 abduction of Jaycee Lee Dugard, her alleged abductor, sexual offender Phillip Garrido, and sexual offenders in general, Sheriff Warren E. Rupf said:
"...If they are sophisticated in any regard, it is in misrepresenting who they are, what they're about, and what motivates them."
Take a moment to step back from this horrible crime committed by Garrido and consider Sheriff Rupf's statement with respect to your own life. Isn't this statement equally true of many who are not sexual predators? Isn't it true that many who claim to be following Jesus (even outwardly appear to be doing so), are equally as 'sophisticated' as Mr. Garrido in creating the appearance of integrity?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Love-Less Religion

There's so much shouting, bickering, & 'love-less' religion these days. Jesus showed the way of love. It's not doctrine, belief systems, or religious rituals that come to mind when we think of our Savior. It's love. He saves us through love, for love, & TO love. 'New Birth' is the birthing of a new lover. When it comes to doctrine, we ask the Lover of our soul, "What is the greatest command?" Sidestepping the question, he points us toward love.