On every turn, American preachers encourage us to ‘DREAM BIG!’ We're told that this is the very nature of faith- FAITH IS BIG! (That's why it can bring in "big money, big meetings, big miracles, big, big, big!"). But, is this really the nature of Biblical faith?
It is true, we do have a BIG God, a God who performs BIG works. We need only to consider the scope of God's Creation or the long story of Christ's Redemption to see that God is a BIG God. Having said this, Biblical faith is not essentially something we focus outwardly on our own personal 'visions' or dreams. Biblical faith is directed Godward. It is grounded in what God has said, what God has forever accomplished in Jesus Christ, and in what God aims to do in the future. Simply put, Biblical faith is focused on God's DREAM (His Kingdom Dream), not our own dreams.
So, where in Scripture are Christians encouraged DREAM BIG in their personal lives and ministries? Certainly we'd all like to have more, be more, do more, and see more. Maybe this is the reason why such message is so appealing. The question remains: "For what reason do we wish to have more, be more, do more, and see more?" Is it really for Christ or for us? If it truly is for Christ, then perhaps we ought to surrender our personal dreams (or our church's dream) and settle for His Dream alone.
Did you know that most ‘dreams’ (visions) in Scripture were focused on the glory and the holiness of God? Some Biblical dreams were focused on the need for faithfulness from God's people or on their need for repentance before God. The Apostle Paul’s dream was quite simple. It did not include big buildings, big programs, big crowd counting, or even making a big name for himself (though his name is now VERY big). Paul's dream was this: to preach Christ crucified and risen- to preach it everywhere to anyone and everyone- until his life would end (and his personal dream would be realized- to be with Jesus).
Did you know that most ‘dreams’ (visions) in Scripture were focused on the glory and the holiness of God? Some Biblical dreams were focused on the need for faithfulness from God's people or on their need for repentance before God. The Apostle Paul’s dream was quite simple. It did not include big buildings, big programs, big crowd counting, or even making a big name for himself (though his name is now VERY big). Paul's dream was this: to preach Christ crucified and risen- to preach it everywhere to anyone and everyone- until his life would end (and his personal dream would be realized- to be with Jesus).
I suspect that “BIG-Dream-Faith” may simply be ‘Faith American-Style’. What do you think? Like Paul, let’s do our part in God’s One BIG Dream- His Kingdom Draem. Let's take Christ's name everywhere to everyone and let’s do it faithfully, joyfully, eagerly, lovingly (which is, in large part, what it means to ‘do’ our part).