Harold Camping is at it once again- prophesying the end of the world. Camping says, "Judgment Day will be on May 21, 2011 when the true followers of Jesus are 'raptured'." Steve Gill interviews Harold Camping
Unfortunately, the advocates of John Darby's Dispensationalism are very tenacious. Though their foolish end times theology is based on highly questionable rules of Biblical interpretation, Dispensationalists keep reworking their fear-inducing messages. More about John Darby.
Dispensationalists are the same people who gave us the film many in my generation were forced to watch in youth group meeting back in the 1970s- "A Thief in the Night" ("A Thief in the Night"). Dispensationalists gave the best sellers "The Late Great Planet Earth" (by Hal Lindsey) and the "Left Behind" series of Bible prophecy novels (selling untold millions of copies and making Tim LaHaye very rich).
It does not matter that Camping formerly prophesied Christ's return in 1994. Camping has built up a whole new set of followers who have paid for forty warning billboards around Nashville and eight other US cities. Camping also broadcasts his crazy ideas all over China and in many other developing nations. He apparently knows what Jesus said "no man knows" (namely, the day and the hour of the Son of Man's coming).
Sadly, men like Camping often do more harm than good for the cause of Christ. They lead many sincere people down detours of disappointment and distraction. They also cause many would be seekers to scoff at the credibility of the Biblical text.
I plan to be around on May 22nd. How about you? I'm not expecting a future 'rapture' in the sense that many use the word ('parousia'- see link below). I'm looking for the coming of Christ to be immediately followed by the new heaven and new earth.
My best guess is that I will not be alive when Jesus returns. However, as long as I am alive, I plan to use better motivations than fear and guilt- based upon poor biblical exegesis- when introducing my friends and students to Jesus.
For more on a healthy reading of the Book of Revelation- Gordon Fee.
So what is the Parousia (Rapture)? N.T. Wright
Unfortunately, the advocates of John Darby's Dispensationalism are very tenacious. Though their foolish end times theology is based on highly questionable rules of Biblical interpretation, Dispensationalists keep reworking their fear-inducing messages. More about John Darby.
Dispensationalists are the same people who gave us the film many in my generation were forced to watch in youth group meeting back in the 1970s- "A Thief in the Night" ("A Thief in the Night"). Dispensationalists gave the best sellers "The Late Great Planet Earth" (by Hal Lindsey) and the "Left Behind" series of Bible prophecy novels (selling untold millions of copies and making Tim LaHaye very rich).

Sadly, men like Camping often do more harm than good for the cause of Christ. They lead many sincere people down detours of disappointment and distraction. They also cause many would be seekers to scoff at the credibility of the Biblical text.
I plan to be around on May 22nd. How about you? I'm not expecting a future 'rapture' in the sense that many use the word ('parousia'- see link below). I'm looking for the coming of Christ to be immediately followed by the new heaven and new earth.
My best guess is that I will not be alive when Jesus returns. However, as long as I am alive, I plan to use better motivations than fear and guilt- based upon poor biblical exegesis- when introducing my friends and students to Jesus.
For more on a healthy reading of the Book of Revelation- Gordon Fee.
So what is the Parousia (Rapture)? N.T. Wright