Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tied to the Mast

We all love a sense of certainty, don't we? Certainty can lead one to feeling secure (even if the certainty is only an illusion).

Here's a question: "Should we continue to tell the same old story of God, Jesus, salvation history, and our narrative concerning where this whole thing is all going... without rethinking whether we (or 'they'- i.e. those who passed it along to us) truly got things right in the first place?"

What if the larger story line (as told by family and friends throughout history) actually took a detour from the Biblical narrative years ago? What if we've now become defenders and promoters of a narrative that is no longer able to bring life to this world? 

In these days of life in my 50s, I am trying to re-read the Biblical narrative without giving in to the siren voices of Church history. I am trying to forget what my teachers taught me and to enter into a conversation with Scripture anew. This is not easily accomplished. Those sirens continue to sing from the shore begging me to join them (and thus to stay faithful to the same old company line. [But what if the company line is faithful to the sirens of Church history but not the Spirit of God?]). 

And so, with some measure of fear, I tie myself to the mast and keep looking straight ahead.

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