Friday, April 30, 2010

Fervent Searchers

Is it possible to be spiritually fervent and searching, to be both a believer as well as a listener, and to honor the truth of one’s own convictions as well as the mystery of the convictions of others? I believe it is. However, humility is essential if we are to live in this way. We’ve all seen that there exists a certainty (i.e. a ‘fundamentalism’) that leads to arrogance and a lack of compassion for others. Let’s have none of this. Faith must be graced with humility. Only humility allows us to love those with whom we disagree, thereby keeping our hearts open toward them. When we embrace humility, we actually make the world a safer place for others. (Buyer, beware! Living this way can make life more dangerous for ourselves- which may be why we rarely see ‘fervent searchers’, ‘believing listeners’, and those who are able to honor both their own convictions as well as those of others).

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