Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Welcoming Otherness

Something is being stirred. I am certain it is by God's grace. After nearly 30 years together, a fresh tenderness is coming through my heart toward the wife of my youth. It's as if I've been given new eyes to see her captivating beauty; new hands to gently hold her; new freedom to look straight into her soul beholding the wonder and mystery that resides there in her 'welcoming otherness'.

Once again, I realize that I can never fully know Rebecca. I can only love her, be received by her, and enjoy engaging all that remains concealed within her as someone distinct from me. This is the mystery of relationship- a dramatic parable for the 'welcoming otherness' of God- the God in whom we find a bottomless ocean of unending love, wonder, and mystery- both welcoming and residing.

It is easy to take for granted one's lover- whether wife or Savior. It is easy to live alongside of one who, in faithfulness, never goes away while missing the opportunity to look deep into the soul of the lover. It is easy to overlook Love's generous invitation; to merely glance in Love's direction never beholding its welcome to the deeper relationship of knowing yet never fully knowing.

Seasons like this remind me of how little I know about life and love.

Yet, this much I do know for certain: God's grace does not abandon me. The Chief Lover of my Soul is determined to give me new eyes... that I might once again turn and engage my Love. And when I do, He romances me and 'takes my breath away' with His 'welcoming otherness' that never forsakes me.*

* [the Biblical word 'holy' is rendered most simply 'other']

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